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Losing The Boomer Blues

written by Mary K. Lanza

Witness a poignant story of three old friends as they release their fears of aging and graciously learn to embrace the ‘now’.
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Introducing: Boomer Chicks the Prequel to Losing the Boomer Blues

written by Mary K. Lanza


Flashback to the Summer of Love

Put on your reading glasses and begin Losing the Boomer Blues. Witness a poignant story of three old friends as they release their fears of aging and graciously learn to embrace the “now”. Boomer Chicks is the prequel and the second story in the Losing the Boomer Blues Trilogy. Mary, Jane and Lucy’s friendship and love lives evolve. They are flower children, marching together determined to end the war in Vietnam and abolish racism. With the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, their lives move in a positive direction. They are hopeful that peace and freedom will prevail for everyone. To stop violence, war, hatred, and selfishness, they join the hippie movement. They strive to make the world a better place by being active participants in the San Francisco hippie rebellion.

Boomer Chicks Mask Up

written by Mary K. Lanza

Boomer Chicks Mask Up is the sequel to Losing the Boomer Blues and Boomer Chicks. Covid-19 changed the lives of people throughout the world. Mary, Jane, and Lucy feared the deadly virus because seniors were its number one victims. During the pandemic, hatred exploded, and America had to come to terms with the worst disease of all, racism. Boomer Chicks Mask Up follows the chicks along on a journey back to losing the boomer blues.